********************  *** Compute time ***  ******************** (D outputs the total time spent online thanks to a ARMtcp logfile 2 <1 "Nom complet du log ARMTCP analyser";Log$ F Phandle%=(Log$) Z total%=0 d nȕ #handle% x   Line$=getline(handle%)  pos%=Line$,"Online")  pos%>0 #handle%  start%=decodetime(Line$)    Line$=getline(handle%) " pos%=Line$,"Disconnecting")  pos%>0 #handle%  end%=decodetime(Line$)   Beware of wrap-around ! "" start%>end% end%+=24*3600 , subtotal%=(end%-start%) 6 total%+=subtotal% @ JF "Total time:";total%;" seconds online ["+encodetime(total%)+"]" T #handle% ^ h rݤencodetime(t%) | r1%,r2%,r3%,t$ > r1%=t% 3600:r3%=t%-3600*r1%:r2%=r3% 60:r3%=r3%-60*r2% !=(r1%)+":"+(r2%)+":"+(r3%)  ݤdecodetime(ln$)  converts time in seconds  p1$,p2$,p3$  p1$=ln$,1,2)  p2$=ln$,4,2)  p3$=ln$,7,2) !=((p1$)*60+(p2$))*60+(p3$)  ݤgetline(p%)  l$,a%  l$="":a%=#p%  ȕ #p% a%<>10  l$+=a%:a%=#p% & 0=l$